• Canva___Modern_Living_Room_1577435444746 (1).jpg

Furniture Layout up to 3 areas

Working out a furniture plan starts with an in-depth analysis of how the space is to be used. I then draw a plan that defines the zones of the space and the activities that will take place in those zones. The space plan will also define the circulation patterns that show how people will move through the space. Then I can add the details of all the furniture, equipment and hardware placement.

The Points to consider when planning a layout

  • What are the main features - windows, fireplaces, doors or built in units. Are they balanced? If not, what you can I do to the space to help balance the structure of the space and reinforce the focal points.
  • It is important to have some empty space. So care must be taken to not overfill it. Clutter is not good for anyone mentally so open space is generally something to strive for.
  • Some measurements are required for a scale drawing of your room to work out the best possible arrangement of furniture and accessories.
  • there should be a passageway through a room that is an easy flow.
  • Different activity zones need to be given definition.
  • Consider the principles that vertical lines draw our eyes up and horizontal lines draw them across to extend or reduce the proportions of a room.
  • Wallpaper with a square grid or tiling a room in squares will give the impression that it is bigger than it is.
  • Borrow space from outside by ensuring an uninterrupted view of the outside world. You can also ‘borrow’ space from adjoining rooms by continuity of materials.
  • There are some tricks if the room is small - break up the lines between floor and walls with paint colour or finishes, buy furniture in proportion to the room; choose furniture with legs to give the illusion of more space.
  • Breaking up large upholstered surfaces with a different coloured or textured runners or throws.
  • Once complete you will get a detail plan of the layout and some perspective views of how it will look. It will include any existing furniture and accessories, or new furniture and accessories if appropriate, which will be as a list of required items to create the space.